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First Visit

Brief Paperwork

Upon entering the office, you will be provided with a tablet computer to complete information in sections to help describe the location, type and severity of your pain(s), and duration of complaint, with a way to measure how the problems effect your activities of daily living. There are screens to detail your personal and health history, how you came to have the problems and medication and exercise details, and the office policies for payment and informed consent outlining any extremely rare risks from our treatment. This information provides permission for Dr. Dearth to treat you. If you were injured in a work or vehicular accident you may have to fill out an additional accident or worker's compensation injury form. If treatment involved a minor child, we will need to have signed permission from a parent or guardian prior to any examination or treatment being provided.


Once the paperwork has been completed, you will have a consultation with Dr. Dearth to discuss your health-related problems, concerns, as well as potential treatment options.

History and Examination

In order to determine what your actual problem is, the doctor will ask you various questions related to your condition. Next, a number of specialized tests will be performed to determine which areas are affected and to what extent.

X-ray Studies

Your specific condition may require x-rays or other advanced imaging to either rule out more serious conditions or assist us in developing the most effective treatment plan for you. We refer you to one of the local medical radiological facilities within two miles of our office to get the highest quality films and have them reviewed by a medical radiologist for pathology and Dr. Dearth reviews for structural integrity, alignment, balance, symmetry and subluxation.

Same Day Treatment

Once finished with the examination and any appropriate studies are completed, patients will generally be provided with their first treatment during this same visit. This likely includes spinal adjustments and possibly physical medicine and therapeutic procedures (low level red laser, soft tissue therapies, graded extremity mobilization, and acupressure), as support for the adjustments.

Home Instructions

Prior to leaving, patients will be given instructions on certain activities or procedures to be conducted at home. This may include ice or heat application instructions, avoidance of certain activities or positions. Rarely does the first visit include home exercises and/or stretches due to the acuteness of the initial complaints and the desire to avoid a flare-up.

Schedule Your Next Appointment

You will be given a convenient appointment time for your follow-up visit. Generally speaking, patients are seen within 1-2 days of their first treatment. Treatment options for your condition will also be discussed during this time.